Petitions may be circulated outside of any government property or public sidewalk. Petitions may be circulated in front of businesses, in private meetings, church foyers, etc. WITH PERMISSION ONLY. It is good practice to circulate in teams for safety and efficiency. All circulators should have at least two clipboards with petitions to speed up the process for multiple signers. Be sure to follow the steps below with each of them.
#1 – Circulator must have a copy of the required information available to show signers.
#2 – Any person registered to vote in South Dakota may sign the petition. Any political party or “No Party” is okay.
#3 – The signer must fill in the signature block. The signer or the circulator may fill in any of the other blocks.
#4 – All printed information must be LEGIBLE. Read the person’s name back to them to verify that it is legible.
#5 – The circulator must sign the back of the petition in front of a notary public. DO NOT sign it until then. The campaign will assist in finding notaries and have regular hand-ins of completed petitions where a notary is present.
#6 – All notarized petitions must be returned to SD Property Rights and Local Control Alliance to be handed in by the sponsor with the final paperwork requirements.